Mass-mirroring Wikileaks / Wikileaks - the salient point / How Wikileaks has woken up journalism [Emily Bell] / Julian Assange and the Wikileaks agenda / WikiLeaks: substituto do jornalismo investigativo? / O Homem Mais Perigoso do Ciberespaço [Rolling Stone] / Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of U.S. cyber-warfare operations / Wikileaks e liberdade de informação [Blasfémias Blog] / Estudantes são advertidos sobre WikiLeaks / State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter / Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative / Julian Assange’s EgoLeaks [Victor Davis Hanson – National Review] / Piratas vingadores e espiões em diligência [Umberto Eco - Liberation] / Natalia Viana [Blog] / Hackers derrubam sites que atuaram contra o WikiLeaks [Último Segundo] / Wikileaks: Stop Us? You'll Have to Shut Down the Web [ABCNews] / Após prisão do criador do site, hackers atacam "inimigos" do WikiLeaks [Folha] / Operation Payback cripples MasterCard site in revenge for WikiLeaks ban [Guardian] / WikiLeaks: Who are the hackers behind Operation Payback? [Guardian] / Amazon and WikiLeaks - Online Speech is Only as Strong as the Weakest Intermediary / Operation Payback [Twitter] / Anonymous (group) / Behind The Scenes at Anonymous’ Operation Payback / Dark forces at work to take Julian Assange to US, says lawyer [London Evening] / US embassy cables: browse the database [Guardian] / Why WikiLeaks Is Good for America [Wired] / A revolução será digitalizada [Altamiro Borges] / Attack and Counter-Attack [Lachlan's Rambling] / WikiLeaks: Parem a Perseguição [Petição]
quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010
Mass-mirroring Wikileaks / Wikileaks - the salient point / How Wikileaks has woken up journalism [Emily Bell] / Julian Assange and the Wikileaks agenda / WikiLeaks: substituto do jornalismo investigativo? / O Homem Mais Perigoso do Ciberespaço [Rolling Stone] / Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of U.S. cyber-warfare operations / Wikileaks e liberdade de informação [Blasfémias Blog] / Estudantes são advertidos sobre WikiLeaks / State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter / Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative / Julian Assange’s EgoLeaks [Victor Davis Hanson – National Review] / Piratas vingadores e espiões em diligência [Umberto Eco - Liberation] / Natalia Viana [Blog] / Hackers derrubam sites que atuaram contra o WikiLeaks [Último Segundo] / Wikileaks: Stop Us? You'll Have to Shut Down the Web [ABCNews] / Após prisão do criador do site, hackers atacam "inimigos" do WikiLeaks [Folha] / Operation Payback cripples MasterCard site in revenge for WikiLeaks ban [Guardian] / WikiLeaks: Who are the hackers behind Operation Payback? [Guardian] / Amazon and WikiLeaks - Online Speech is Only as Strong as the Weakest Intermediary / Operation Payback [Twitter] / Anonymous (group) / Behind The Scenes at Anonymous’ Operation Payback / Dark forces at work to take Julian Assange to US, says lawyer [London Evening] / US embassy cables: browse the database [Guardian] / Why WikiLeaks Is Good for America [Wired] / A revolução será digitalizada [Altamiro Borges] / Attack and Counter-Attack [Lachlan's Rambling] / WikiLeaks: Parem a Perseguição [Petição]