O arranque do LHC
Locais: Acelerador de partículas mais potente do mundo começa a funcionar esta quarta-feira [JN] / Bid to stop Large Hadron Collider fails but EU, US suits move forward / Could black holes be portals to other universes? / Explicando o Large Hadron Collider / Large Hadron Collider Switch-on Fears Are Completely Unfounded, Report Finds / Latest News from the LHC / Legal bid to stop CERN atom smasher from 'destroying the world' / News on LHC start-up / O CERN entre a Ciência e o RAP [De Rerum Natura Blog] / On the hunt for the Higgs boson / Porque é que os nossos telejornais não avisam que o Mundo pode acabar na Quarta-Feira? [Abrupto] / Stop CERN [Blog] / The Black Hand of Dr. Cern / What Goes In The Black Hole Stays In The Black Hole. OK?
[Large Hadron Rap]