Bush & Kerry
"Uma dose excessiva de belas palavras
Continua a precipitar-se no meu cérebro
Mas não se referem a pensamento ou fala.
Como os balões, não vão durar muito
& insistem em fugir da mão
para morrer no céu - libertadas ..." [David Meltzer]
100 Facts and 1 Opinion The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration / Bush's War Against the Military / Clinton stumps for Kerry / Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 / George, God here ... / Invitation to a Degraded World / Kerry for President (The Seattle Times) / Kerry Makes Huge Gains / Paul Wolfowitz defends his war / Poll: Close Bush-Kerry Race Gets Closer / Republicans for Kerry / The End of Democracy Losing America's birthright, the George Bush way / US newspaper publishers side with Kerry / War, peace and politics: Why this campaign matters more than almost any other / Why conservatives must not vote for Bush