La Citoyenne & Hubertine Auclert
"La Citoyenne (The Citizeness) was a feminist newspaper first published in Paris, France on February 13, 1881 by activist Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914). Published bi-monthly, the newspaper was a forceful and unrelenting advocate for women's enfranchisement, demanding changes to the Napoleonic Code that relegated women to a vastly inferior status. The newspaper demanded that women be given the right to run for public office, claiming that the unfair laws would never have been passed had the views of female legislators been heard. Notable feminists such as Marie Bashkirtseff wrote articles for the paper ..." [Ler aqui]
Locais: Hubertine Auclert / Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914) / Egalité sociale et politique de la femme et de l'homme. Discours prononcé au Congrès ouvrier socialiste de Marseille